Sunday, July 13, 2008

Aroma - Health of Antiquity by Maria Pologeorgis

One of the gifts of our sacred Earth is the healing power of aroma.
Aroma is as deeply grounded in the human experience as are the roots of the oldest trees.
The energies emitted from plants in the form of aroma are similar in vibration to healing energies of light and sound.
As humanity awakens the higher senses, veils of matter vs. spirit dissolve and man can re-discover the healing wisdom of Gaia’s plant domain.
The Garden of Eden and all of the virtues of paradise can be restored to humanity to vibrate at the consciousness of praise and prosperity rather than lack and languish.
Humanity has a symbiotic relationship with the plant domain. We inspire the plant kingdom and plants inspire us. Humans are designed with olfactory sense and flowers are divinely designed to have aroma. A PBS special about the brain showed a graphic illustration of the neural pathways of the brain likened to roots. We are linked to the plant kingdom through psychic resonance with both systems modeling each other.
Records show humanity utilizing flowers, plants, their essential oils and essences dated back to 18,000 BC.
Ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Indian civilizations used aroma for therapeutic as well as spiritual and ritual purposes.
Ancient Egyptians are noted for using aromatics in funerary practices. They were experts in mummification and embalming, commonly using Cassia and Myrrh in these processes.
Egyptian priests and kings honorably burned Frankincense at dawn as an offering to the sun and Myrrh was offered to the moon.
Kings and Queens were anointed with prized essential oils.
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts. The oils are generally distilled from leaves, flowers, stalks or bark and have the ability to permeate the skin and be inhaled through the olfactory senses. Essential oils have an innate ability to interact with various body systems promoting health.
Modern day aromatherapists draw on the wisdom of the ancients and utilize the plant kingdom to restore a person’s bodymind to a balanced state of well being by diffusing and applying therapeutic grade essential oils.
Commonly used oils today are Peppermint to aid respiration and Lavender to calm those experiencing anxiety or stress. Frankincense is still a highly respected aromatic used throughout the world for spiritual meditative and church ceremonial rites.
As more of the populace integrates alternative therapies into their daily régimes we can expect to smell the healthy aroma of antiquity.

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